Monday, November 14, 2011

VETSPACE: Helping Homeless Veterans in Florida

Human service agencies must be ready to provide a helping hand to service men and women as they transition back into their lives as civilians. To continue our discussion on homelessness among military veterans, we’d like to highlight VETSPACE, an agency that helps homeless veterans in the Gainesville, Florida, area achieve and maintain housing and financial stability. VETSPACE works specifically with homeless veterans who have a history of substance abuse, mental illness, or both. VETSPACE works with other area agencies to ensure clients get the highest quality services available.
How do they accomplish this? By providing services that include:

  • transitional supportive housing for up to 30 veterans

  • two group homes for men ages 18 and up

  • scattered site two bedroom apartments for single female veterans or veterans with small families
    supportive services, including
    o case management,
    o counseling,
    o skills training and
    o follow up services for those that graduate from programs.
    · nutritionally balanced food
    · funding sources include HUD, the VA, and Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

  • VETSPACE also meets the short-term needs of homeless veterans by providing assistance with purchasing employment-related supplies and money for apartment rental and utility start-up fees.

More information on VETSPACE is available at

One client shares how VETSPACE helped him overcome alcoholism and homelessness:
“Most of my life I have struggled with alcoholism. As obvious a problem as it was to others, I was unable to see it as a problem myself. I would view myself as a victim of unfortunate circumstances which led even more trouble. I would temporarily stay with friends and family, all the while burning bridges and finding myself more frequently than not spending the night in detox centers, homeless shelters and eventually sleeping in the woods and next to dumpsters.
In 2007 I was accepted by VETSPACE which provided a sober living environment for me and other veterans with similar issues. Without VETSPACE, my life would not be what it is today. I have built a strong tie with Gainesville’s Alcoholics Anonymous community, am employed full time as a Service Manager, and am going to college part-time. Most importantly, I am a very active father to my daughter. Every day is not a great day, but through Gods’ gift of coming to Gainesville, the V.A., VETSPACE and A.A. I am no longer lost or homeless.”