Thursday, March 8, 2012

Embracing Innovation in the South

Last week, the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness and United Way held a forum on “innovation,” a topic that is not common in the nonprofit world. Keynote speakers included David Wertheimer, Deputy Director at the Gates Foundation, Anne Miskey, Executive Director of Funders Together, Anthony Love, Deputy Director of the United State Interagency Council on Homelessness, and Nan Roman, President & CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness. They participated in a lively discussion on innovation in ending homelessness.

Over 35 homelessness experts from more than 10 states discussed their innovative ideas and practices in workshops about rapid re-housing, veterans, creative housing options for difficult populations, regional plans, social enterprise, and much more.

In addition, 27 experts participated in a southern collaborative roundtable discussion about future plans to work together in the southern region to end homelessness. The following recommendations were made:

· Supporting a blog with positive stories

· Connecting and advocating around policy affecting homelessness issues in our region

· Create a brand for the region

· Coordinate a funding initiative for a special demonstration project across a few states in the region

They plan to reconvene at a conference in Clearwater, FL, in September of this year.

Do you have any thoughts or ideas to add? Comment here or email

1 comment:

  1. it was a great experience - we in atlanta learned a lot from the experts visiting.

    looking forward to more opportunities to learn and share.
